UPMC On-Site Blood Panels
Sign Up for a time slot here --> https://UPMCHealthyPartners.as.me/Restek
March 12 6:30-9:00am**
March 19 6:30-9:00am**and 1:15-2:30pm
**In the past, UPMC was booking appointments every 5 minutes. This year their increments are every 10 minutes. So, although we are scheduled from 6:30-9:00am, if/when we fill those openings, UPMC will open more time for us to ensure we accommodate everyone. **
The wellness team, in conjunction with UPMC, will be offering blood draws in March (days/times listed below). These are all FREE to you, FREE to your spouse/partner, and FREE to Restek through UPMC’s Healthy Partner initiative! Not only are these free, but the panels give such an in-depth and important look at your overall health. Even if you consider yourself to be in good health, it is an incredible opportunity to have a quality panel done year after year and continue to track these health markers.
Remember that for the best results, you should do a 10-12 hour fast prior the blood draw. If you are not able to fast, you CAN still participate and schedule a time. Let the testing nurse know that you aren't fasted. It may skew some of the results a little bit but not to the point you can't/shouldn't do it.
There are two testing options again this year. You can choose between venipuncture which takes a few viles of blood but reveals many more health markers (screenshot above on the left). The fingerstick will also be available and gives you results such as total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and blood glucose (screenshot on the right).
We would recommend setting up an account on UPMC's patient portal if you don't have one. Typically, the results will be posted to your patient portal within 24-48hours. If you have an account from past years, take a look now to update your password and ensure you have access.
Sign Up | Account Registration | MyUPMC --> Create an account here
Account Login | MyUPMC --> log into your account
March 12 6:30-9:00am**
March 19 6:30-9:00am**and 1:15-2:30pm
**In the past, UPMC was booking appointments every 5 minutes. This year their increments are every 10 minutes. So, although we are scheduled from 6:30-9:00am, if/when we fill those openings, UPMC will open more time for us to ensure we accommodate everyone. **
The wellness team, in conjunction with UPMC, will be offering blood draws in March (days/times listed below). These are all FREE to you, FREE to your spouse/partner, and FREE to Restek through UPMC’s Healthy Partner initiative! Not only are these free, but the panels give such an in-depth and important look at your overall health. Even if you consider yourself to be in good health, it is an incredible opportunity to have a quality panel done year after year and continue to track these health markers.
Remember that for the best results, you should do a 10-12 hour fast prior the blood draw. If you are not able to fast, you CAN still participate and schedule a time. Let the testing nurse know that you aren't fasted. It may skew some of the results a little bit but not to the point you can't/shouldn't do it.
There are two testing options again this year. You can choose between venipuncture which takes a few viles of blood but reveals many more health markers (screenshot above on the left). The fingerstick will also be available and gives you results such as total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and blood glucose (screenshot on the right).
We would recommend setting up an account on UPMC's patient portal if you don't have one. Typically, the results will be posted to your patient portal within 24-48hours. If you have an account from past years, take a look now to update your password and ensure you have access.
Sign Up | Account Registration | MyUPMC --> Create an account here
Account Login | MyUPMC --> log into your account
January 23, 2025- This Catapult kit below is on hold until further notice. We will update this page when kits can be ordered again.
Catapult Health Virtual Checkup
Available to Restek employees and spouses as a contactless way to test for important health markers. It couldn't be much easier!
1. Simply Click on the flyer above or go to virtualcheckup.com/restek
This link will be active year-round.
2. Follow the steps to order your kit. You will receive emails when your kit is on the way.
3. You have 7 days to complete the test kit upon receipt. Once you do the testing, you have 24-48 hours to make sure it is in the mail! A pre-paid envelope is included, so there is no cost to you.
4. You will receive email notifications that your specimen is on the way to the lab and when it has been received by the lab.
5. Schedule the virtual follow-up with a nurse and go over your results. This is the most important part. What are the results telling you about your health?
Before requesting your home kit, please be aware of the following important aspects of the program:
-Though a free offering for employees, Restek does incur a sizeable cost for this opportunity. Please be sure you are going to complete the full Virtual Check-up process before ordering your home kit. This will help prevent Restek (and all of us as Employee Owners) from incurring unnecessary costs. Also, the benefits of this program are only achieved through completing the process, resulting in a personal action plan based on your check-up results.
-This is intended to be a fasting blood screening. For best results do not eat or drink at least 8 (optimally 12) hours prior to completing your home kit. Water, black coffee, and plain tea is acceptable.
-Once completing the home kit, be sure to return the envelope and contents within 48 hours of taking your blood sample to ensure best results.
-All US Employees and their spouses are welcome to participate in this program regardless of benefits coverage.
-Completion of the full Virtual Check-up (Home Kit and Consultation) qualifies for the Stage 2 Preventive Care activity within the Wellness Incentive Program. This opportunity is voluntary. If you routinely perform annual blood screenings/check-ups with your Primary Care Physician, the Virtual Check-up is not necessary.
Massage - Jim Puder from D-Stress Station
Jim is usually on-site one Wednesday per month between 9am-3pm. Sessions are available in 10, 20 or 25 minute lengths for $20, $40, or $50 respectively. Payment in cash or check is due at the time of service. We will send out ample reminders to sign up for your massage spot.
Chiropractic- Dr. Maggie Sopic from ReCenter Chiropractic
Dr. Maggie is usually on-site one Wednesday per month from 9am-3pm. New patient and established patient appointments are available to book. New patient appointments are 30 minutes and a one-time $75 charge. Established patient appointments are $30. Cash or check is due at the time of service. This service is NOT billed through insurance.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Lincoln Financial
**See User Name and Password in the highlighted area above **
Earn real cash for improving your health!
This link will take you to the Wellsteps home page where you can log in, track your activity, submit for points, etc.
This link will take you to a page on our website that describes the sign-up process and program overview.
SWORD Physical Therapy
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