January 2025
The monthly wellness happenings are now posted on our website so you can always refer to them if/when needed. Click HERE to view!
Welcome to 2025!!!
1. (Bellefonte, U.S Remote, and Glastron)
WELLNESS INCENTIVE PROGRAM (WellSteps)- All employees eligible to use WellSteps will see a short Intelex training coming your way in early January. It is a simple watch and acknowledge. This is a good refresher on how to use the website for registered users. If you are not registered, it will walk you through steps on how to register yourself and/or a spouse.
Quarter 1 activities are loaded and ready to go. Take a few minutes and complete the PHA for the beginning of a new year. You will notice there are a lot of new, creative activities/challenges. Not to mention a lot of activities in general and a lot of points available. We also added a designation in each box labeled (E) or (E+S/P). This can help spouses/partners know which activities they are able to complete! If you notice any mistakes, please let us know.
2. (Bellefonte, U.S Remote, Glastron, Non-U.S.)
GROUP FITNESS- The new class cycle for the beginning of 2025 will run from January 6- February 14th. We have added a few new classes to the schedule and it is packed with opportunities to come get involved. Use the link below to read class descriptions. Please register for classes if you would like to attend. Occasionally, one of us will get sick or have a sick child. We use these rosters to communicate with our classes, and if you aren’t registered, we could miss communicating with you. We also use this data to look back on which classes are most successful and which classes
may need to be altered.
The sign-up links and group fitness calendar can be viewed here à Group Exercise
3. (Bellefonte, U.S Remote, Glastron, Non-U.S.)
GLOBAL TREK AROUND RESTEK SIGN-UPS & PROGRAM START- The deadline to register for Global Trek around Restek is end-of-day Monday, January 13th. We will use the remainder of that week to form random teams, add everyone to the TEAMS channel, upload tracking forms, etc. Then we will kick off the competition on Monday, January 20th and race until one team makes it all the way around the world completing over 21,000 miles!
Register here à https://forms.office.com/r/8DgWUSVZGc
4. (Bellefonte, U.S Remote, Glastron, Non-U.S.)
WORKOUT OF THE MONTH – Wednesday, January 8th any time between 11:30am-1:00pm
Instead of trying the Murph every month, we will be picking a different workout of the month each month. The purpose is still doing these together in a group setting while you challenge yourself. You are only competing with yourself at your own pace, but doing this in a social environment while pushing yourself is an energizing feeling. If you need more details on the workout, additional modifications, or have other questions, please email [email protected].
This month the workout is 18.1 As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes
8 Toes to Bar /or hanging bent knee raises /or roman chair leg lifts /or stability ball leg lift core exercise
10 dumbbell or barbell hang clean & jerk
14 calorie row
5. (Bellefonte, U.S Remote, Glastron, Non-U.S.)
SHARE WITH RESTEK- If you haven’t taken a look at this section on our website yet, go ahead and check it out! There are dozens of healthy recipes and book ideas on nutrition, self-improvement, mental health, etc. You might find inspiration for a healthy meal to prepare for your family or inspiration to share one with the rest of us. We are always looking for more employees to submit and share books, articles, podcasts, or recipes (with fresh & health ingredients of
course😊). Glastron and U.S employees can claim points in WellSteps for sharing something with us.
Share with Restek (restekwellness.com)
6. (Bellefonte)
VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE SIGN-UPS & START- Registration for our annual winter volleyball league is underway. All levels are welcome in this league. Registration will conclude on January 7th. We will form random, fair teams and then hope to begin the games on Wednesday, January 15th. Click the link below for more information related to the league and/or to sign-up.
Register here à https://forms.office.com/r/N8pRhpJ7y9
7. (Bellefonte)
GATHERING FEEDBACK FOR POTENTIAL NUTRITION OFFERING- Kayla Suydam is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner that has presented here during the female hormone workshop and you may also buy her honey when we do honey deliveries from ACE Raw Honey. While she is not a dietician, she can go in-depth on holistic nutrition (digestive balancing, blood sugar control, nutrient density) and lifestyle. She would potentially offer a 6 week small group program if there is
enough interest. This would be an extra fee to be a part of the program but very much worth it if you are getting serious about changing your life. Nutrition is where it all starts. Although there would be small group educational sessions, you would have a very detailed personal intake, so Kayla gets to know you. Then each participants plan may vary a little bit. If you are or could be interested in learning more, please click the link below.
8. (Bellefonte)
MASSAGE- Jim will return to Founder’s Point on Wednesday, January 15 from 10am-2pm. If we fill these four hours, we can potentially open more times.
You can book a 15- or 20-minute session for you and/or your associate spouse/partner or dependent children at the link below.
https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/[email protected]/bookings/
9. (Bellefonte)
CHIROPRACTIC SERVICES- Dr. Maggie will be returning to Founder’s Point on Wednesday, January 22 between 9am-1pm. If we fill the schedule more times will be opened to accommodate. Employees can utilize this link to schedule: recenter.janeapp.com (Choose the box only for Restek employees) . Choose a new patient consultation or established patient if you have already completed the initial 30-minute consultation.
10. (Bellefonte)
PICKLEBALL RESULTS- We had 42 participants (making up 14 teams), play in our fall pickleball league. After the 8-week regular season and a single elimination playoff Bracket, these were the final three teams remaining.
1st place- Team Dropshot (middle) Adam Bartley, Cory Moore, Jessi Collier (not pictured)
2nd place- Team Forehand (right) Matt Wolfe, Curtis Harrison, Amanda LaCamera
3rd place- Team Smash (left) Jeff Nattermann, Brett Ripka, Val Ballarotto (not pictured)
Welcome to 2025!!!
1. (Bellefonte, U.S Remote, and Glastron)
WELLNESS INCENTIVE PROGRAM (WellSteps)- All employees eligible to use WellSteps will see a short Intelex training coming your way in early January. It is a simple watch and acknowledge. This is a good refresher on how to use the website for registered users. If you are not registered, it will walk you through steps on how to register yourself and/or a spouse.
Quarter 1 activities are loaded and ready to go. Take a few minutes and complete the PHA for the beginning of a new year. You will notice there are a lot of new, creative activities/challenges. Not to mention a lot of activities in general and a lot of points available. We also added a designation in each box labeled (E) or (E+S/P). This can help spouses/partners know which activities they are able to complete! If you notice any mistakes, please let us know.
2. (Bellefonte, U.S Remote, Glastron, Non-U.S.)
GROUP FITNESS- The new class cycle for the beginning of 2025 will run from January 6- February 14th. We have added a few new classes to the schedule and it is packed with opportunities to come get involved. Use the link below to read class descriptions. Please register for classes if you would like to attend. Occasionally, one of us will get sick or have a sick child. We use these rosters to communicate with our classes, and if you aren’t registered, we could miss communicating with you. We also use this data to look back on which classes are most successful and which classes
may need to be altered.
The sign-up links and group fitness calendar can be viewed here à Group Exercise
3. (Bellefonte, U.S Remote, Glastron, Non-U.S.)
GLOBAL TREK AROUND RESTEK SIGN-UPS & PROGRAM START- The deadline to register for Global Trek around Restek is end-of-day Monday, January 13th. We will use the remainder of that week to form random teams, add everyone to the TEAMS channel, upload tracking forms, etc. Then we will kick off the competition on Monday, January 20th and race until one team makes it all the way around the world completing over 21,000 miles!
Register here à https://forms.office.com/r/8DgWUSVZGc
4. (Bellefonte, U.S Remote, Glastron, Non-U.S.)
WORKOUT OF THE MONTH – Wednesday, January 8th any time between 11:30am-1:00pm
Instead of trying the Murph every month, we will be picking a different workout of the month each month. The purpose is still doing these together in a group setting while you challenge yourself. You are only competing with yourself at your own pace, but doing this in a social environment while pushing yourself is an energizing feeling. If you need more details on the workout, additional modifications, or have other questions, please email [email protected].
This month the workout is 18.1 As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes
8 Toes to Bar /or hanging bent knee raises /or roman chair leg lifts /or stability ball leg lift core exercise
10 dumbbell or barbell hang clean & jerk
14 calorie row
5. (Bellefonte, U.S Remote, Glastron, Non-U.S.)
SHARE WITH RESTEK- If you haven’t taken a look at this section on our website yet, go ahead and check it out! There are dozens of healthy recipes and book ideas on nutrition, self-improvement, mental health, etc. You might find inspiration for a healthy meal to prepare for your family or inspiration to share one with the rest of us. We are always looking for more employees to submit and share books, articles, podcasts, or recipes (with fresh & health ingredients of
course😊). Glastron and U.S employees can claim points in WellSteps for sharing something with us.
Share with Restek (restekwellness.com)
6. (Bellefonte)
VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE SIGN-UPS & START- Registration for our annual winter volleyball league is underway. All levels are welcome in this league. Registration will conclude on January 7th. We will form random, fair teams and then hope to begin the games on Wednesday, January 15th. Click the link below for more information related to the league and/or to sign-up.
Register here à https://forms.office.com/r/N8pRhpJ7y9
7. (Bellefonte)
GATHERING FEEDBACK FOR POTENTIAL NUTRITION OFFERING- Kayla Suydam is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner that has presented here during the female hormone workshop and you may also buy her honey when we do honey deliveries from ACE Raw Honey. While she is not a dietician, she can go in-depth on holistic nutrition (digestive balancing, blood sugar control, nutrient density) and lifestyle. She would potentially offer a 6 week small group program if there is
enough interest. This would be an extra fee to be a part of the program but very much worth it if you are getting serious about changing your life. Nutrition is where it all starts. Although there would be small group educational sessions, you would have a very detailed personal intake, so Kayla gets to know you. Then each participants plan may vary a little bit. If you are or could be interested in learning more, please click the link below.
8. (Bellefonte)
MASSAGE- Jim will return to Founder’s Point on Wednesday, January 15 from 10am-2pm. If we fill these four hours, we can potentially open more times.
You can book a 15- or 20-minute session for you and/or your associate spouse/partner or dependent children at the link below.
https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/[email protected]/bookings/
9. (Bellefonte)
CHIROPRACTIC SERVICES- Dr. Maggie will be returning to Founder’s Point on Wednesday, January 22 between 9am-1pm. If we fill the schedule more times will be opened to accommodate. Employees can utilize this link to schedule: recenter.janeapp.com (Choose the box only for Restek employees) . Choose a new patient consultation or established patient if you have already completed the initial 30-minute consultation.
10. (Bellefonte)
PICKLEBALL RESULTS- We had 42 participants (making up 14 teams), play in our fall pickleball league. After the 8-week regular season and a single elimination playoff Bracket, these were the final three teams remaining.
1st place- Team Dropshot (middle) Adam Bartley, Cory Moore, Jessi Collier (not pictured)
2nd place- Team Forehand (right) Matt Wolfe, Curtis Harrison, Amanda LaCamera
3rd place- Team Smash (left) Jeff Nattermann, Brett Ripka, Val Ballarotto (not pictured)
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